Literature as a socializing agent has reacted differently on the subject of HIV and AIDS ever since its discovery, through the use of various genres from written to performativity works. When this epidemic first appeared in the early 1980s, it brought horror tales to the world and stuck into the minds and hearts of people in the society and writers as well. The researcher analyzed the stereotypes of HIV/AIDS, using the selected texts. The study examined cultural ideologies that display stereotypes of HIV/AIDS using the selected texts. This study was limited to two novels that were selected from the target population using a purposive sampling technique. The two novels are written by Kenyan authors. This is because, the researcher is part of the Kenyan social context and this enabled relation of data analysis and society. The research design used was textual analysis, in analyzing; I Swear by Apollo (2002) by Margaret A. Ogola and The Last Plague (1997) by Meja Mwangi. From the research analysis, contemporary issues such as corruption, which lead to non-development of the society, greatly affect the societies, which are suffering with the Aids epidemic. In addition, the contemporary social concerns that relate to HIV/AIDS, have been addressed in the two texts. However, there are other social concerns that are prominent in the writings. The characters in the text, struggle to make progress in a society that is competitive. There are contemporary issues such as; Poverty, unemployment, corruption and immorality. There should be a positive representation of HIV/AIDS issues. Therefore, the literary texts that address HIV/AIDS, need to act as tools for reference to society.
Keywords; Cultural Ideologies, Stereotypes, HIV/AIDS, Novels
Full Text:
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