Educational reforms in East Africa over the years have ignored the importance of teachers’ of quality teachers in the International school sector in East Africa and, resulting in the need to retrain teachers to develop the required teaching proficiencies. The study was guided by the following research question: How does the exposure in the professional development programmes enhance behaviour management in the learning and teaching process? A cross sectional survey research design was used for the quantitative strand and a phenomenological research design was used for qualitative strand. Target population of the study comprised 240 teachers, 40 mentors’, 10 deputy head teachers and 10 head teachers of Braeburn Group of International Schools in Kenya and Tanzania. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and results presented using charts and tables while content analysis was used for qualitative data. Inferential statistics, correlation, multiple regression analysis was used establish the nature and magnitude of the relationships between the variables and to test the hypothesized relationships. The coefficient of determination was significant with a value of 0.355 and p= 0.000. This indicates that a unit increase in professional development programmes would result in 35.5% increase in behaviour management value in a direct relationship between professional development programmes and behaviour management in the learning and teaching process. The study also concludes that professional development programmes had enhanced behaviour management in that the teachers were able to control the students, make classroom rules and incorporate all learners as they teach them. The study also recommends that more opportunities for teachers’ professional interactions and training should be created to ensure that the teachers are better prepared and confident when applying different assessment methods, differentiation and setting assignments.Â
Keywords: Professional Development Programmes, Enhanced Behaviour Management, Teachers’ Proficiency, Selected British Curriculum Secondary Schools
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