Jennifer Getecha, Jacinta M. Adhiambo (PhD), Peter Koros (PhD)


Education is one of the most important aspects of human resource development. It plays a vital role in the development of human capital and is linked with an individuals’ well-being and opportunities for better living. Teachers are central to the capacity of schools to perform and no amount of policy reform will make education more effective unless teachers are part of the change. Recognizing this insufficiency of knowledge of the teachers in both Kenya and Tanzania has led to the need to analyze the effectiveness of professional development programmes in enhancing teacher proficiency in selected British Curriculum Secondary Schools in Kenya and Tanzania. This study was guided by the following research question: To what extent do the professional development programmes enhance learner centred pedagogy in the learning and teaching process? The study was founded on the Human Capital theory (HCT) proposed by Schultz and Becker (1961) who developed it extensively. This study adopted a mixed method design specifically the convergent design. Target population of the study comprised 240 teachers, 40 mentors’, 10 deputy head teachers and 10 head teachers of Braeburn Group of International Schools in Kenya and Tanzania. The study findings indicated that the challenges faced by the school managers faced when facilitating the professional development programmes to enhance teacher proficiency were inadequate finances, inadequate time, lack of clear school policy. It is therefore necessary for provision of adequate resources, finances and a detailed school policy to ensure smooth facilitation in order to improve teachers’ professional development. The study recommends that teachers should be encouraged to adopt appropriate classroom management techniques to motivate pupils to learn for improved academic achievement. The study also recommends that more opportunities for teachers’ professional interactions and training should be created to ensure that the teachers are better prepared and confident when applying different assessment methods, differentiation and setting assignments.  

Keywords: Professional Development Programmes, Learner Centred Pedagogy, Teachers Proficiency, Schools Policy

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