Educationists aspire to achieve quality learning outcomes within the free education system in Kenya certificate primary education curriculum. This study aims at investigating influence of classroom size on learner’s performance in primary school; a case study of Samburu County; Kenya. The study examined the influence of adequacy of learning resources on learner’s academic performance in public primary schools of Samburu County. The study adopted Socio-Constructivism theory interpretation the influence of variables leading to low performance in overcrowded classes in public primary schools. The research was based on a descriptive research design for both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection and analysis. The target population was 1359. The sample size was generated using Nassiuma’s (2000) formula was to calculate the exact sample size of (197) respondents. In order to select the appropriate respondents for the study, both stratified random sampling was used for learners and class teachers and purposive sampling technique for both headteachers. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. Generated data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concludes that overcrowded classrooms, as illuminated by the study, disrupt the school schedule, making it imperative to reduce class sizes and achieve an optimal student-to-teacher ratio. The study underscores the critical need for equitable access to learning resources to create a conducive learning environment, thereby enhancing academic performance. Prioritizing equitable access to learning resources is essential.
Keywords: Adequacy of Learning Resources, Academic Performance, Public Primary Schools
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