Over the years, academic performance in National examination in Changamwe Sub County has been deteriorating. The adoption of teacher performance assessment has affected the effectiveness of teachers in public secondary schools and it is alongside this context that there was need to conduct a research on the influence of teacher professional development in public secondary school in Changamwe Sub County, Mombasa County. The research determined the effect of teacher professional development programme on teacher enactment. Goal setting theory anchored the research. The study targeted 283 teachers and 10 principals. Descriptive survey design was applied and a sample size of 183 instructors was used in those ten public secondary schools in Changamwe Sub County. A systematic random sampling procedure was used to select these instructors. The 10 principals were purposely sampled using convenience – a nonprobability way. Descriptive statistics were used in examination of statistics. To examine the relationship and level of significance amid the variables, bivariate analysis was used. The coefficient of determination (R squared) was 0.616 which inferred that 61.6% of the variations in performance of teachers in public secondary schools in Changamwe Sub County could be explained by teacher development. In conclusion, the teacher development has a positive outcome on teachers’ performance. One of the study recommendations is that career progression should be well thought out to motivate teachers which enable them to grow in their career.
Keywords: Teachers Professional Development, Performance of Teachers, Public Secondary SchoolFull Text:
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