Mohamed Ali Osman, Professor Wilfred Subbo


The use of monitoring tools is one area of improvement that helps address the issue of measuring performance and success of projects. The purpose of this study was to find out the the impact of focus groups monitoring tool on performance of Women Enterprise Funded projects in Wajir North Constituency. The target population for this study was the 82 women groups who have benefited from Women Enterprise Funded and 1 sub-county Gender, Social and Development Officer. This study used census sampling to select all 82 groups. This study used the questionnaires as the tool for data collection. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics used frequency tabulation and the mean while inferential statistics used the Pearson correlation coefficient. The study concluded that small focus groups are efficient and measurable, but should be controlled to prevent informal debates and false conclusions resulting from the influence of dominant speakers. The study recommends that women-owned enterprises should use small focus groups that are controlled to prevent informal debates and false conclusions.

Keywords: Focus Groups, Monitoring Tools, Enterprise Funded Projects, Performance

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