Peter Karo Kibata, Dr. Gilbert Nyakundi


An ideal collaborative school culture in the two sub-counties should entail teachers' collaboration, effective open communication, and mentorship. The situation in Tiaty East and Tiaty West sub-counties was marked by poverty and frequent banditry. This made the school environment in these areas hostile, and the safety of both learners and teachers was not assured. A hostile school culture of collaboration can perpetuate the problem of poor performance since there are no harmonious relations among teachers, and teachers work in isolation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school principals' leadership practices on collaborative school culture in public secondary schools in Tiaty East and Tiaty West sub-counties. The study sought to determine the influence of principals' mentorship and communication practices on collaborative school culture. The research approach adopted was qualitative research, and a cross-cultural study design was used, with two cases and multiple units of analysis within each case. The target population was 770 individuals, including principals (10), teachers (156), support staff (276), and student leaders (328). A sample of 161 respondents, consisting of 10 principals, 31 teachers, 56 support staff, and 64 student leaders, was selected using purposeful sampling. The primary data collection instruments included interview schedules and focus group discussion guides. Data analysis was conducted using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), specifically ATLAS.ti 9. The study found that principals invited mentors for staff development to improve collaboration, ultimately positively impacting student outcomes and promoting a collaborative secondary school culture. Moreover, regarding principals' communication practices, school meetings and social media, especially WhatsApp groups, were used to engage the school community in effective communication. The study recommends that principals should involve teachers and other stakeholders in mentorship processes within the schools.

Keywords: Principals’ Leadership, Mentorship, Communication, Collaborative School Culture

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