Abeid Kolia Job, Dr. Emily Chepkoech


Education plays significant part with the intension to make teaching and learning more effective and to give quality education to students. It is the foundation of national development as well as reagent to maintainable development. Therefore, this research tends to close the bridge by examining influence of intellectual stimulation on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub-County. The study objective was influence of intellectual stimulation on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub-County. This research was hinged on Transformational Theory. The investigation utilized positivism philosophy and descriptive survey research design. Target population comprised of 458 categories of people selected from 31 county public secondary schools. The study used Krejcie and Morgan table to determine a sample size of 210 participants. The research instrument adopted was a five-point Likert scale questionnaire and interview schedules for data collection. The study recommends more pursuit of transformational leadership style involvement into intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. School management, government, researchers and academicians will greatly benefit from this study as it provides viable insights that could guide decisions to serve their interests on the critical subject of enhanced students’ academic performance  Therefore, basing on the findings, transformational theory and social exchange theory the school management should effectively bundle all the dimensions of transformational leadership style  through their policy framework and consistently improve on them to heighten their students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub-County.

Keywords; Intellectual Stimulation, Academic Performance, Descriptive survey

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