The purpose of this study was to examine influence of teachers' time management on students' academic performance in Tinderet Sub-County. The research endeavor employed a mixed-methods approach. 248 principals and teachers were the study's target audience. The model approach presented by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) was adopted. 152 people therefore made up the sample size. The primary means for gathering data for the research was through questionnaires and interview schedules. To assess the validity and reliability of the research questionnaires, a pilot study was carried out. Pre-test participants made up 10% of the sample population from the pilot study being done in Tinderet Sub-County. This inquiry employed the internal consistency approach to show reliability. A mix of qualitative and quantitative information was collected for the study, hence both data analysis techniques were used. Utilizing SPSS (Version 23.0), descriptive statistics were exploited towards analyzing the data. Tables are utilized to present quantitative data. According on the study's goals and qualitative data, key themes were created using content analysis. An engaging narrative structure was used to portray qualitative data. Findings indicated that effective time management practices positively correlated with enhanced academic outcomes. Punctuality, adherence to schedules, and proper record-keeping were identified as crucial factors. The study recommended promoting effective time management practices.
Keywords: Time Management, Academic Performance, Secondary Schools
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