Unity is an important organ in any organization to accomplish its functional objectives. The church as an organ needs unity to retain its reputation, accomplish the Great Commission and perfect Christian faith. However, denominational barriers have contributed to disunity in the church and this has brought a lot of pain to the members. This study examined commensality barriers on promoting church unity in 15 selected churches in Lungalunga sub-county. Structural Functionalism Theory by Emile Durkheim informed the study. The target population was 1049 members from the 15 selected denominations. A sample size of 200 respondents, comprising of 15 Pastors, 15 church elders/ committee members, 45 men, 48 women and 77 youth was selected using stratified and purposive sampling procedures. The researcher used a descriptive research design to accurately and systematically describe how promoting the act of commensality in churches could contribute to the healing of denominational barriers, enhance unity among Christians in Lungalunga Sub-county. Data collection method was through questionnaires for quantitative data and interview schedule guides for qualitative data. Quantitative data from the questionnaires was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, circle graphs and tables, while qualitative data from the in-depth interview was analysed, organized, and presented thematically according to the study's objectives. The research findings revealed that there are barriers in commensality practice such as greed by the Pastors and ethnicity which brings disunity. The research recommends that church leaders should ensure that members in churches can come together at least once a month to share meals. Church leaders are supposed to be composed of equal number of male and female for good administration. The church leaders must be trained on church matters concerning unity of churches. The leadership must listen the voices of the congregation and encourage dialogue.
Keywords: Commensality Barriers, Church Unity, Christians, Denominations
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