Janet Kasili, Dr. Peter Simotwo, Dr Ronald Kikechi


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of student councils’ punishment administration on discipline management in public primary schools in Trans Nzoia West Sub-County. This research was pinned on the theory of practical leadership and the theory of leadership in the service. The investigation utilized positivism philosophy and descriptive survey research design. Target population comprised 737 deputies and student council from the public primary schools in Trans Nzoia West Sub-County. The study used 20% by Mugenda and Mugenda to select 176 participants as sample size. The research instrument adopted was a five-point Likert scale questionnaire and interview schedules for data collection. Reliability of the instruments was resolved through the internal consistency where Cronbach's Alpha correlation coefficient of 0.7 and above was considered acceptable. Data were descriptively analyzed using means and standard deviations, and inferentially by Pearson's correlation analysis to measure strength and direction. Pearson Correlation Analysis results demonstrated a positive relationship between student councils’ punishment administration and discipline management. The study recommends more pursuit of student councils’ involvement into punishment administration. School management, government, researchers and academicians may greatly benefit from this study as it provides viable insights that could guide decisions to serve their interests on the critical subject of enhanced discipline management.

Keywords: Students Council, Punishment Administration, Discipline Management, Primary Schools

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