Joyce Muharia Atandi, Dr. Jacob Kwaba


Research from various parts of the world has indicated that a significant number of students in public primary schools struggle with reading skills. Yet, in Sameta sub-county, there has been a noticeable gap, with no systematic studies pinpointing the factors leading to this challenge, especially among grade three pupils. This research gap motivated the present investigation, which sought to understand the determinants of reading skills achievement for grade three students in public primary schools of Sameta Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. Among the primary objectives of the study were to: Analyze the influence of grade three students' parental economic status on their reading skills achievement. Examine the impact of the utilization of teaching and learning resources on students' basic reading proficiency. Investigate how the teachers' educational qualifications shape the reading skills outcomes among grade three learners. The target group for this research consisted of 45 grade three teachers, 45 public primary schools in Sameta sub-County, 2,025 parents of grade three students, and a Quality Assurance Officer from Kisii County. Employing a descriptive survey design, the study used purposive sampling for selecting schools, representative grade three teachers, and the Quality Assurance Officer. Meanwhile, random sampling was applied for the selection of parents. The research instruments included interview guides and questionnaires. The instrument's validity was ascertained through a pilot study and expert review, while its reliability was verified using the test-retest method. Data, both primary and secondary, was gathered, analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study's results highlighted the positive impact of provision of teaching and learning resources on their literacy outcomes. The findings also underscored the need for the provision of teaching and learning resources.

Keywords: Teaching and Learning Resources, Basic Reading Skills, Grade Three Pupils

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