The research sought to evaluate how a democratic managerial style influences students' academic results. A survey methodology was used to gather data regarding the influence of managerial styles on educational outcomes. The research population consisted of 42 school principals, 42 deputy principals, and 675 educators within the Nyamira south sub-County, as they possess valuable insights on the leadership behaviors of principals and their impact on students' academic outcomes. For the purpose of this study, a sample size incorporating 30% of the total population was selected, resulting in 14 principals, 14 deputy principals, and 227 teachers, creating a total sample size of 255 respondents. The study employed a simple random sampling method to select participants. Both questionnaires and interview schedules were used as data collection instruments. The validity and reliability of these tools were confirmed prior to the initiation of the data collection process, achieving a reliability coefficient of 0.852. Quantitative data were tabulated using frequency tables and analyzed through descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were sorted into distinct thematic categories. The study concludes that principals should be encouraged to utilize a balanced array of managerial styles to maximize academic performance. Specifically, the study advocates for the deployment of democratic leadership for optimal scholastic achievement.
Keywords: Principals' Democratic Leadership, Academics Achievement, Secondary Schools
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