Meshack Ongulu, Dr. Khatete Ibrahim


The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of adequacy of teaching and learning resources on students’ enrolment in technical, vocational education and training institutions in Butula Sub-county, Busia County. The study used descriptive design of the case type. The study target population comprised of 3 principals, 101 tutors and 661students from all the technical institutions in Butula Sub-County. The researcher purposive selected the 2 youth polytechnics and the technical institution. Three principals were selected through census and sample of 30 tutors selected through stratified proportionate random sampling, 135 students were systematically selected from the youth polytechnics. The study used questionnaires and interviews as the research instruments.  Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics. Qualitative data generated from interview schedules and open ended questions was organized and analyzed into themes, categories and patterns pertinent to the study. The study found that adequacy of teaching staffs influences student enrolment at TVET institutions. Adequacy of training resources influences student enrolment at TVET institutions. Adequate and qualified human resource provision to TVET Institutions should be made a key priority by National and County governments.

Keywords: Adequacy of Teaching and Learning Resources, Student Enrolment Rates

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