Joseph Wanyoike Mburu, Dr. Kenneth M. Sabwami


Kenya has seen a notable surge in the quantity of day public secondary schools situated around the nation in the last five years. The government's efforts to guarantee that the majority of Kenyans have better access to educational opportunities have a direct bearing on these outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of material resources on the academic capacity of students at day public secondary schools situated in the Kiminini sub-county of Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The theoretical framework of this study was the Resource-Based View (RBV). A descriptive survey was the research methodology used. Within the Kiminini Sub-County, there are reportedly 51 public secondary schools. Consequently, 509 teachers and 51 school administrators was included in the targeted population.  A systematic random selection procedure to pick the instructors who took part in the research was used. Using a random selection technique, the researcher chose nine instructors from twenty-two schools and eight teachers from one school from the total of 206 teacher answers. Because of their community's modest size, a total of 27 principals were chosen using the purposive selection procedure. Descriptive statistics was used by the study to do the data analysis. Descriptive statistics use percentages, means, frequencies, and standard deviations among other statistical kinds. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, or SPSS, version 28 was used to do the data analysis process. The ultimate goal of this study is to improve the quality of education provided in day public secondary schools by adding to the body of knowledge already available regarding the effect of learning materials on academic success in these institutions. The study provides compelling evidence that material resources influence academic performance and the highest level of education completed among teachers. The findings highlight the critical importance of material resources, teacher expertise, physical facilities, and digital learning resources.

Keywords: Material Resources, Academic Performance, Day Public Secondary Schools

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