The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of VSO International structure on VSO Jitolee’s fundraising strategies. The research design was a descriptive case study design; the population of interest was composed of all VSO employees in Kenya. The research instrument was a questionnaire and piloting was done using 10% of the sample size. During data collection, the “drop and pick later†method was employed. Data analysis was executed using Statistical Package for the Social Scientists (SPSS) software. Descriptive statistics used consisted mainly of means and standard deviations; graphical illustrations such as bar charts and pie charts were used to enhance the findings. The study found that VSO Jitolee structure has been marked by various structural changes in response to its changing global funding environment. Top on the list is team work. Competition for funds is an increasingly critical factor that must be factored in non-profit consideration of funding strategies. Reduced or tightly focused government funding is placing great pressure on the sector, which has also experienced a proliferation of new non-profits during the past decade, thus increasing the competition for a smaller pool of funds. There is a need to conduct structural audits and to review structure relative to strategy and the dynamism in the external environment. Being responsive to changes in the environment means a heightened need to determine the most effective way to serve a client population that may be growing or changing through developing strategies and processes to access and manage new funding streams; It is also important for VSO Jitolee to embrace structures that increase its appeal to donors.
Key Words; Structure, Financing Strategy
Full Text:
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