Jennifer Wangari Wairiuko (PhD)


Rapid growth in technology in the last two decades has made governments to start e-government intiatives as a way of ensuring effective and efficient operations. E-gernment has been shown to improve accountability and transparency as well as delivery of services in a timely and cost-effective manner. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of human resource capacity on adoption of e-government in Kajiado County. The study was based on pragmatic paradigm. Descriptive survey was used in this study. A sample of 335 respondents was drawn from the target population of 2660 employees from the devolved 10 ministries in Kajiado County using Cochran (2007) formulae. Quantitative data was collected through open and crossed-ended questionnaires while qualitative data was collected through an interview guide. Regression models and correlation were used to analyze inferential data and test hypotheses. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The study found that human resource capacity had a strong positive influence on adoption of E-government (r= 0.595, p-value=0.000). The study concludes that human resource capacity has a significant influence on the adoption of E-government in the County Government of Kajiado. The study recommends that the county government of Kajiado should develop frequent training programmes for all the employees in the County. The training programmes should be preceded by training needs analysis for identify the training needs of the employees in regard to the use of ICT. This study also recommends that the County government of Kajiado should make use of financial and non-financial rewards to motivate the employees. In regard to financial rewards, the County government should offer more competitive salaries to the employees.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, E-Government, Service Delivery 

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