Catherine W. Gathitu, Dr. David Kabata, Dr. Grace Kiiru


The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of capacity building on the growth of group based Micro and Small Enterprises in Kenya. The study was anchored on Human capital entrepreneurship theory and Entrepreneurial orientation theory. A concurrent triangulation mixed methodology design was adopted for this study. The target population comprised of 51 officers from Government Sponsored Enterprise Funds and 600 group leaders of group based Micro and small Enterprises beneficiaries of Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Women Enterprise Funds and Uwezo Fund in Nairobi County since 2013. The study used proportionate stratified random sampling for the group based enterprises and census for Government Sponsored Enerprise Funds officers. The study Sample size of 240 leaders of group based enterprises was calculated using Yamanes fomular and a census of 51 officers of Government Sponsored Enterprise Funds. The study collected primary data using questionnaires and interviews. The study used both qualitative and quantitative statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented in narrative and verbatim form, while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that capacity building has a significant influence on the growth of group-based MSEs in Nairobi County. Group characteristics was found to have an insignificant effect on the relationship between capacity building and growth of Youth group based MSEs. The study recommends improving borrower education and communication, providing regular skills improvement seminars, empowering group leaders, aligning fund requirements with group-owned enterprises training needs, and developing policies that recognize their unique needs.

Keywords: Capacity Building, Growth, Group Characteristics, Micro and Small Enterprises 

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