Andrew Mutava Mulwa, Dr. Jared Deya


In today’s world, organizations are operating in a highly competitive environment that is ever changing. Customers expect quality services and products that effectively meet their needs. The health sector in particular, operates in a very volatile environment where customers always expect better and up to date services and products, to meet the current disease outbreaks and health challenges. Hospitals have therefore been forced to align themselves with the current business environment through resource allocation, effective leadership, efficient communication and adopting a strong organizational culture. The main drive of the study is therefore to discover the strategy implementation drivers and their effect on the performance of public hospitals in the Nairobi Metropolitan area. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The respondents were gotten from 38 public hospitals in the Nairobi Metro Politian area. The target population was a total of 210 middle and senior managers. Since the target population is small, the study was a census. A semi-Structured questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions was essential in collecting the primary data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20) was used to evaluate the Quantitative data. The findings from the study were presented by use of tables. The study found that leadership has a positive and significant effect on the performance of hospitals in the Nairobi Metropolitan area. The study also found that resource allocation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of hospitals in the Nairobi Metropolitan area. The study further established that communication had a positive and significant effect on the performance of hospitals in the Nairobi Metropolitan area. The study also revealed that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on the performance of hospitals in the Nairobi Metropolitan area. The study recommends that leaders should focus on the key development issues of my employees and their needs. In addition, leaders should involve employees in the decision making process and ensure their participation in decision making during strategy implementation. In addition, public hospitals should ensure adequate allocation of financial resources during strategy implementation. In addition, training should be conducted to ensure an improvement in technical IT skills, and managerial IT skills among employees.

Key words:  Strategic Leadership, Communication, Resource Allocation, Culture, Performance

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