Eileen Atieno Omungo, Dr. Kennedy Okemwa Nyariki


The needs of citizens and the services they require from their respective governments keep changing, Kenya included. These changes are compounded by the limited resources required to implement them amidst competing needs. This study assessed the influence of service reliability on customer satisfaction at the Huduma Centre in Kisumu County.  The study made use of Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y.  Kisumu Huduma Centre was used with the primary data collected using questionnaires. The study population constituted individual citizens using Huduma services and the centre managers as key informants. The study used simple purposive and convenience sampling to select respondents. The tools for data assemblage were questionnaires and in-depth interview guides for the key informants. Descriptive statistics was used and presentations was in the form tables and graphs obtained from data analysis. The study established that to some extent the citizens visiting the Huduma Centre in Kisumu were satisfied with the quality of service offered albeit with very many areas of concern like among others long waiting times, late opening of the centre and the need to improve internet connection which puts a strain on most activities carried out at the centre. The findings also revealed that there is need for the government to put in more effort in terms of governance, administration and finance into these Centres so as to properly carry out services to the citizens.

Keywords: Service Reliability, Customer Satisfaction, Huduma Centre

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