Kiraithe Mawira Robin, Dr. Caroline Kimutai


In Kenya, insurance companies have been experiencing a decline in their financial performance assessed by ROE. In the turbulent and competitive business environment, firm characteristics have been playing a vital role in shaping overall financial performance and market competitiveness. The general aim of this study was to establish the interplay between organizational structure and financial performance of listed insurance companies listed at the NSE in Kenya. This research was guided by the growth of the firm theory. This research applied descriptive research methodology. The target population of this research was 6 firms listed at the NSE. The period under study spanned from 2018 to 2022. A census of the six listed insurers in the NSE in Kenya was performed. This study utilized secondary data, extracted using a data extraction tool. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in data analysis. Descriptive statistics are comprised of standard deviation, mean, minimum, and maximum. The relationship between independent and dependent variables was established using inferential statistics such as multiple regression and correlation analysis. The study found that organizational structure positively and significantly influences the financial performance of insurance companies listed at the NSE in Kenya. The study recommends that regulatory bodies, like the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA), encourage insurance companies to adopt organizational structures that improve decision-making, efficiency, and accountability, alongside supporting training and performance evaluations. It also suggests a decentralized approach to organizational restructuring, empowering lower-level employees to enhance operational efficiency, innovation, and overall financial performance.

Keywords: Organizational Structure, Financial Performance, Insurance Companies 

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