Yaqub Shokole Boru, Dr. Evans Gacheru


Terrorism poses a significant global concern, threatening the fabric of societies and governance structures. This research study aimed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of terror activities on national unity and governance within the unique of Lamu County .The study objective was to evaluate the effect of frequency of terror incidents on national unity and governance in Lamu County. The research employed a mixed-methods research design, integrating qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. To achieve its objectives, the study randomly selected 100 participants from Lamu County, representing a diverse range of stakeholders including community members, government officials, and religious leaders. The data collection method involved structured questionnaires. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data. The findings are expected to inform policy formulation, resource allocation, and community engagement initiatives aimed at fostering resilience, promoting social cohesion, and safeguarding the integrity of governance institutions. Descriptive statistics revealed significant negative effects of terror incidents on various aspects of community life and governance, including diminished sense of unity, heightened fear and anxiety, erosion of trust in local governance structures, and challenges to maintaining law and order. Regression analysis further confirmed the influence of frequency on national unity and governance, explaining 84.3% of the variance in the dependent variable. The findings revealed the multifaceted effect of terrorism on social cohesion and governance effectiveness, highlighting the urgent need for cohesive responses and effective security measures to address these challenges and promote resilience within the community.

Keywords: Frequency of Terror Incidents, National Unity and Governance, Lamu County

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