Richard Too, Prof. Harriet Kidombo, Prof Christopher Gakuu


The rapid exploitation of petroleum oil and natural gas poses a significant environmental and ecological danger to the immediate environment owing to oil spills, effluent discharge and gas flaring. Furthermore, petroleum upstream activities present legal, political, economic, financial, technical and environmental problems. Participatory monitoring and evaluation has often been sidelined and in Africa where the oil drilling activities are booming, decisions are often made without any exhaustible effort to include inputs or views of those whose livelihoods stand to be negatively impacted by the oil and gas activities. This study thus sought to establish the relationship between participatory planning monitoring and evaluation activities and environmental sustainability in the case oil and gas. From the analysis, a positive relationship was established between participatory planning of monitoring and evaluation activities and environmental sustainability in the case oil and gas upstream project in Turkana County, Kenya (correlation coefficient 0.779). When other factors are held constant, a unit increase in participatory planning of monitoring and evaluation activities would lead to a 0.762 (p=.000) increase in environmental sustainability The study thus concluded that participatory planning of monitoring and evaluation activities were significant factors in ensuring environmental sustainability in the oil and gas.

Keywords: Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Activities, Environmental Sustainability

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