Lemein Kose, Dr. Enos Anene


During this era of severe competition, organizations have to strive in order to remain competitive within any industry. Strategic planning and proper implementation can be used as a tool for achieving organization goals, thus is important to critically examine the determinants of strategy implementation. The Youth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities is an affirmative action programme launched by the government to economically empower youth among other vulnerable groups. Other targeted groups include women and Persons with Disabilities. This is possible through the implementation of the Presidential Directive that 30% of government procurement opportunities be set aside specifically for these enterprises. The main aim of this study was to establish the institutional factors in strategy implementation of YAGPO registered construction firms in Nairobi County. Specifically, the study attempted to determine the effect of innovation and leadership on performance of YAGPO registered construction firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. This research was descriptive in nature and employed empirical survey method in assessing the institutional factors in strategy implementation of YAGPO registered construction firms in Nairobi County. The target population of interest in this study consisted of owner managers of youth owned construction firms in Nairobi County. According to records from the AGPO website, there were 1319 youth owned enterprises in Nairobi County registered with Youth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities Program (YAGPO). The sample size was therefore, 127 Youth Owned Construction firms in Nairobi County. Data collected was analyzed, summarized, and interpreted accordingly with the aid of descriptive statistical techniques. The study asserted that innovation and leadership have a statistically significant effect on strategy implementation of YAGPO registered construction firms in Nairobi County. The study recommended that the construction firms should implement cloud-based project management platforms that allow real-time collaboration among teams, subcontractors, and clients. These platforms improve communication and transparency. The study also recommended that the construction firms should clearly articulate the strategic vision and objectives.

Keywords: Innovation, Leadership, Strategy Implementation, Construction Firms

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