This research tried to evaluate the role of humanitarian supply chain management practices on performance of international nongovernmental organizations in Kenya. Specifically, this study dealt with the effect of organization supply chain planning and strategic sourcing on performance of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya. The research used system theory, the theory of resource-based perceptions, resource-dependence theory, and the theory of principal agents. This analysis used a descriptive research design. The target population was 307 workers including all procurement officers, management and different department heads from all 27 INGOs. This research study used a stratified random sampling method to select 171 respondents. The study would obtain primary data from the respondents using questionnaires. The data was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. Concise analyzes are measured for all quantitative variables, such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation. Regression analysis using the Multiple Linear Regression model was employed to establish the sense of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Data representation was done through tables and graphs. The study concludes that supply chain planning has a positive and significant effect on the performance of INGOs in Kenya. In addition, the study concludes that strategic sourcing has a positive and significant effect on the performance of INGOs in Kenya. This study recommends that the management of the INGOs should ensure demand management and capacity management so as to improve the performance of the INGOs. In addition, the management of the INGOs should ensure effectiveness in supplier selection, supplier negotiation and supplier commitment.
Key Words: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Planning, Strategic Sourcing, Performance
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