Fatuma Dahir Abdi, Dr. Appolonius S Kembu


In Kenya, performance appraisal has been adopted in both private and public firms as an instrument for performance enhancement. This study tried to determine the influence of appraisal feedback on employee productivity at water and sewerage company Garissa County. The study was moored on systems theory. The study targeted 115 laborers chosen from the accompanying offices: human resources, money, data innovation, specialized help and client administration. The respondents incorporated heads of offices, area heads and managers. The study utilized a descriptive research design. Information gathered was coded, entered and broken down utilizing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive and Inferential insights were utilized, to sum up, the populace. The descriptive results indicated an agreement with the statements on management by objectives, evaluation, performance appraisal design and 360 degrees appraisal method. The study concluded that; Appraisal feedback was provided to employees by their managers. The organization found it easy to share positive and adequate feedback regarding performance as compared to criticizing poor performance. Appraisal standards have a positive influence on the employee productivity of an organization. The study recommended that; the study recommends that water and sewerage companies should have well laid down procedures to be followed in dealing with employees’ feedback and responding to the feedback from its surrounding. The study recommends that the Federation of Kenyan Employees (FKE) should formulate procedures and policies to be used in the identification of employees’ standards.

Keywords: Appraisal feedback, Employee Productivity

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